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Productive credit

Tabôa offers two productive credit lines: one for Tabôa’s incubated business and other for existing enterprises.

With the goal to strengthen sectors od economy considered strategic to the sustainable development of the area, Tabôa offers microcredit and credit to new and existing business, oriented to sustainability, with better conditions that the other existing loan lines, with bigger due dates (up to 36 months) and lower interests tax (1% per month).

The credit are destined to micro and small business of the following sectors:

Tourism economy

Correlated to products and services that meet and stimulate the conscious tourism of the area of Serra Grande (e.g.: means of accommodation, tourism agencies and operators, gastronomic business, etc.) .

Chocolate and cocoa economy

Meets a traditional talent of the Southern of Bahia and aims to strengthen capacities installed in the local economy (e.g.: cocoa and chocolate production, etc.).

Forestry economy

Correlated to activities that manage the wild resources in harmony with preservation of biodiversity (e.g.: carpentry, nurseries, business that deploy the fruit of the area, etc.).

Creative economy

Is related to innovating activities, products and services capable of generating economic value by the traditional and/or intellectual know-how (e.g.: photography, video making, typical gastronomy, etc.).

Other business oriented to sustainability

Correspond to a big range of productive and commercial arrangements that contribute to the environmental preservation and income generation by the main activity or infrastructure of low impact and/or waste treatment.

As linhas de microcrédito existentes na região não atendem novos negócios, emprestam um montante máximo de R$ 5 mil, prazo máximo de 12 meses e taxas de juros acima de 2,5% ao mês. O crédito produtivo da Tabôa diferencia-se por possibilitar investimentos em novos negócios, em montantes de até quinze mil reais, que permitem a melhoria de infraestrutura e aumento de capital de giro, com taxa de juros de 1% ao mês e prazo de até 36 meses, com três meses de carência.

Rua Osvaldo Ribeiro, 221 - Serra Grande
Uruçuca – Bahia – CEP 45.680-000

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© 2025 - Tabôa Communitarins Strengthening Association. CNPJ: 21.498.105/0001-92 Makak Comunicação