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Community Development Fund

Engage and strengthen community-based initiatives that promote socio-environmental justice in the Serra Grande region (Uruçuca, Bahia) and its surroundings

We believe that a robust, engaged community is the driver of a territory’s positive transformation, generating innovative and collective responses to public challenges. Therefore, the Community Development Fund was established to support community-based initiatives that value the territory and address inequalities in the region of Serra Grande (Uruçuca, Bahia) and its surroundings via financial donations and technical support to strengthen community capacities.

What moves us is connecting people, community-based activities, and strategic causes to build a fairer and more sustainable territory.

Please donate to contribute to community development in Serra Grande.

Strengthening potentials to reduce inequalities

Fortalecer potências para diminuir desigualdades
Donations from individuals, companies, and organizations are routed through the Community Development Fund to associations, collectives, and community-based initiatives that frequently struggle to access resources. A diagnosis carried out by Tabôa in 2022 identified at least 25 projects focused on socio-environmental agendas, such as youth, gender equity, education, arts and culture, environment, citizen participation, sustainable agriculture, and community-based tourism. This survey helped identify the needs and demands of these groups for institutional development, priorities to guide financial investment actions, and capacity building via the Fund.

Donating to the Fund is an opportunity to promote the development of Serra Grande through listening to the community and empowering their leadership, valuing local knowledge, and responding to demands brought by those who live in and positively transform the territory.

How does the Fund work?

Keep track of what happens to your donation

Individuals, businesses, and organizations donate to the Fund.
100% of the donated resources are forwarded to the selected projects that will receive support via the Fund, minus donation tax and bank transaction costs.
Community-based initiatives use these resources and receive Tabôa’s monitoring and technical support.
Tabôa publishes periodical and annual reports that emphasize the transformations that have occurred.

Keep track of what happens to your donation

Individuals, businesses, and organizations donate to the Fund.
100% of the donated resources are forwarded to the selected projects that will receive support via the Fund, minus donation tax and bank transaction costs.
Community-based initiatives use these resources and receive Tabôa’s monitoring and technical support.
Tabôa publishes periodical and annual reports that emphasize the transformations that have occurred.

Learn more about projects already supported by the Fund

The Fund’s first round of support began in 2022 and was extended to 2023, with a total contribution of BRL 105,000 and technical assistance provided to three community-based initiatives in Serra Grande that work with causes and demands identified through a process of listening to the community and surveys conducted by Tabôa. Each project received an investment of BRL 35,000 in addition to technical assistance from Tabôa.
Check out the initiatives that are supported!

Saberes e Sabores Community Fair

The Saberes e Sabores (“Knowledge and Flavors”) Community Fair invests in solidary economy as a strategy to strengthen the role of women and value the culture of the territory where it occurs.
Learn more

Circo da Lua

The Circo da Lua (“Moon Circus”) Cultural Association is a socio-educational initiative that aims to foster autonomy, self-esteem, and citizenship awareness among children, adolescents, and young adults.
Learn more

Serra Cria Collective

The Serra Cria Collective is made up of young independent artists from Serra Grande (Uruçuca, Bahia) who seek to inspire other young people in the arts by establishing leadership and representativeness ...
Learn more

Accessible, reliable, and transparent

We encourage a direct connection between you as a donor and community-based initiatives. However, if you are still unsure about who to donate to, the Fund serves as a bridge. We are a non-profit civil society association that was founded in 2014 and has been named four times as one of the top 100 NGOs in Brazil. Our financial statements are audited annually and we have had six external audits without negative results.

Which Serra Grande do you want to live in? And how willing are you to make it happen? Turn your intention into action and strengthen community-based initiatives activities.

Do you want to help as a volunteer?

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who can participate in calls for proposal by the Community Development Fund?
Registered organizations and non-registered groups based and operating in Serra Grande (Uruçuca, Bahia) and surroundings (Camboinha, Gavião, Tesouras, rural area of ​​Serra Grande, Tibina, and Ponta do Ramo).
Who chooses which initiatives to support?
How will initiatives be selected?
What are the selection criteria for initiatives?
What is the amount of resources made available for initiatives via the Fund?
What themes and causes are supported by the Fund?
When are new Fund calls for project proposals made?
In addition to the financial resources donated via the Community Development Fund, how does Tabôa work to strengthen community projects through Engaja Serra?

Rua Osvaldo Ribeiro, 221 - Serra Grande
Uruçuca – Bahia – CEP 45.680-000

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© 2024 - Tabôa Communitarins Strengthening Association. CNPJ: 21.498.105/0001-92 Makak Comunicação