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Leadership development

On focus on leadership development, Tabôa supported the following programs:

GERMINATE PROGRAM - PROGRAMA GERMINAR, an individual development process that aims to foster social entrepreneurship and support the support of initiatives in this area, forming individuals who can act as leaders focused on the development of individuals, groups and organizations. Tabôa supported the follow community leaders: Ana Paula Santos da Silva, Maria Angélica Gonçalves de Farias, Elisângela Araújo Oliveira, Érica dos Santos Damaceno, Wilsa Mendonça, Jordana Paiva anda Mateus. Know more!!
DIALOGUE AND CONFLICT MANAGEMENT - DIÁLOGO E GESTÃO DE CONFLITOS, Facilitated by Vivina Machado - looking for the self-perception and reflections that open the possibility of dealing with the conflict in a constructive and creative way, from the mindfulness and state of continuous presence.
LEADERS FOR SUSTAINABILITY - LÍDERES PARA SUSTENTABILIDADE, which provided a space for reflection on leadership from real and current issues, such as: traditional community (natives) and new residents (arrivals), as well as identity, belonging and sociocultural changes in recent years. The group learned, with facilitator Gustavo Prudente, the skills of sustainable leadership, such as Empathy, Entrepreneurship, Co-creation, Coherence, Integrity, Leadership and Poetry. Know more!

Rua Osvaldo Ribeiro, 221 - Serra Grande
Uruçuca – Bahia – CEP 45.680-000

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© 2025 - Tabôa Communitarins Strengthening Association. CNPJ: 21.498.105/0001-92 Makak Comunicação