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The I Communitarian Call Out was released in April 2015 and the enrolment deadline closed in May, 29th, 2015, and Serra Grande’s community got involved and sent 67 projects, which 53% were urban oriented and 31% to rural oriented.

The great innovation of Tabôa’s Communitarian Call Out Project is that the project choices will be fully made by the Communitarian Committee, which has communitarian leaderships among its members and together will elect what they believe that is the community real need.

Projects Presented in the 1st. Project Call Out 2015-2016

Theme: Income Generation

The support to the project constant to the income generation’s theme results in the strengthening of the communities and in the development of the territory by the incentive of the productive vocations. The selected projects were:
Family agribusiness of “Barrocão”

The farmers in Association of “Barrocão” built on collective activity an agribusiness to benefit fruit, turning them into pulp, candies, jams, cakes, cookies, beijus, etc. They received donations from government programs of equipment, technical support of “Cabruca” Institute and are signing in participatory certification and social organization. Nowadays need support to equip the family agribusiness with tools and supplies to start producing and marketing throughout the region, and deliver their products to the Food Acquisition Program - PAA and PNAE.

The project's goal is to market to other regions and especially offer to the tourism of Serra Grande and southern Bahia the possibility of consuming products derived from agro forestry, processed with quality and certified like organic.

The association was created in 2010, aims to bring together farmers of “Barrocão” region to promote the social, economic, productive, environmental and cultural development of its members.

Fortification of the raft fishing in Serra Grande
Araçá Communitary
Strengthening of Dolls Group
Community Organic Garden
Green Palm

Theme: Culture

In this front act are promoted initiatives that rescue and value the cultural manifestations in the area. The selected projects in this area were:
Regional Capoeira BRINCAPOEIRA
The aim of the project is empower activities of afro-brazilian culture presents in the community of Serra Grande. The activities expected in the project are capoeira classes held in the Cabana da Represa in Ecovila, purchase of material to build instruments, monthly presentations in the communities and the realisation fo a final event (a kind of baptism), reuniting regional groups and masters, and the purchasing of material to improve the infrasctructure of Ecovila’s Residents Union. The work with regional capoeira is developed since 15 years ago in Serra Grande by the teacjer Tiago Lima. Since 2 moths ago, the classes are being helded in Represa (Cabana Tropical) and in Ecovila (Resident’s Union), twice a week in each place. With this proposal, the aim is to mainten those activities and to make larger the act area for the community of Gavião, with classes twice a week.
Levada da Serra
Umbigo Documentary
Project Luanda Group

Theme: Education

The project in this thematic have as a goal optimize the education as a tool of social transformation, contributing with the social formation of complete citizens.
Foot Surf School
The project aims to strengthen and expand the Surf School, to enable young people of Serra Grande learn to surf, build a respectful relationship with nature and develop values to act in the collective in solidarity way.

The work began in 2014 as a voluntary action, with collective and free classes for children and adolescents in the community, and private lessons for tourists. The group has received institutional support from “Arapyaú” Institute, the Surf Itacaré School and individuals. Attend a group of 25 children from various districts of Serra Grande (Bairro Novo, Rua do Campo, Rua do Cemitério, Beira Rio and Ecovila).

In December 2014, the school participated as articulator of the Guardians of Serra project. During three months, combining surf lessons with environmental education activities and beach cleaning.

To continue to work, many challenges arise, including: more teachers to attend, the participation of students at the lack of transport, better structure of equipment and organization of pedagogical practices, financial and administrative organization with a view to strengthening the collective that take care of the expansion project.
New Kindergarten and Socio education Integration of the “Dendê da Serra” School
Bloom action - Living Home

Theme: Institutional Stregnthening

The goal is to invest in activities of institutional strengthening and organization of associations and, therefore, allowing the development and provide impetus to its activities and operation in the community. The selected projects in this front of action were:
Associação de Condutores de Serra - Grupo de Condutores de Serra Grande
O objetivo do projeto é formalizar uma associação de guias e condutores de visitantes de Serra Grande para promover um ecoturismo qualificado com base na observação e cuidado da natureza e da cultural local, gerando renda e sustentabilidade. Confiamos que a Associação de Guias e Condutores de Serra Grande fortalecerá o movimento de ecoturismo de base comunitária que vai tomando forma na vila e criará um espaço de crescimento pessoal e de trabalho digno para muitos jovens da comunidade.
Fortalecimento das Ações Comunitárias na Represa de Serra Grande – Associação dos Moradores da Beira Rio da Represa
Casa Verde
Fortalecendo Laços - Associação dos Pequenos Produtores Rurais de Serra Grande

Theme: Environmental

This front of acting aims to support projects that promote the preservation, conservation and appreciation of the environment in the area. The selected projects were:
A Riqueza do Lixo em Ação - Associação dos Moradores da Beira Rio da Represa
O projeto vem atuando na Vila de Serra Grande desde maio de 2013, quando desenvolveu algumas ações de criação, e já introduziu ações como a do “jeguinho coletor”, inicialmente, em eventos e, posteriormente, em parceria com estabelecimentos comerciais. Também já ofereceu oficinas de capacitação para a coleta seletiva para membros da comunidade agentes comunitários de saúde e agentes de combate às endemias. Em seguida, conseguiu apoio para a realização de novas ações, como a aquisição de dois triciclos, a implantação do galpão de triagem, a aquisição de Equipamentos de Proteção Individual (EPI´s) e a confecção de novos “jeguinhos”. Para ampliar o potencial de coleta de recicláveis e o envolvimento de mais pessoas da comunidade, o projeto desenvolve ações por meio do Pensamento de Design para entender a gestão de resíduos sólidos na Vila e possibilitar a introdução de Postos de Entrega Voluntários (PEVs) e desenvolvimento de outras atividades relevantes à sustentabilidade do projeto.

Theme: Sports

This front of action promotes the projects that uses the sport as a tool of educational activity and strengthening bound in the communities.
Cultural Tour
The aim of the project is to bring joy, health and knowledge for the people and for the community of Serra Grande and surroundings. It intents, besides the cyclists tour, show a little bit of the history and culture of the region and to make people know and contribute to the environment preservation. There are planned the realization of two cyclists tours, one in 2015 and the other in 2016. The cyclists tours already happened 4 years ago. This project is a mean to reunite sport, education and the environment, bringing to the communit of Serra Grande and surroundings a way of fun, besides better health quality, allied to happiness and to knowledge. The first tours happened in the years of 2012 and 2013, with the destination in Retiro at Ilhéus, with the participation of about 80 people. The third tour happened in 2014, with destination in PESC, with the participation of about 8 people. In the year of 2015 happened the fourth tour, witht he destination in Lagoa Encantada, with the participation of about 80 people from all the area.
IV Children’s Ecological Race

Rua Osvaldo Ribeiro, 221 - Serra Grande
Uruçuca – Bahia – CEP 45.680-000

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© 2025 - Tabôa Communitarins Strengthening Association. CNPJ: 21.498.105/0001-92 Makak Comunicação